Title: Becoming a Cybersecurity Professional
Description: This course provides information about possible cybersecurity work roles and the knowledge, skills, abilities and tasks associated with these work roles.
Target Audience: Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals
Outline and Duration:
- Total time commitment: 45 minutes
- Instructor Background and Course Overview – 2 minutes
- Cybersecurity Work Roles, Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, & Tasks – 10 minutes
- Learning & Experience Resources – 10 minutes
- Resume Development Exercise – 10 minutes
- Quiz – 10 minutes
- Feedback Survey – 3 minutes
Outcomes: Students are able to:
- Identify possible work roles in cybersecurity
- Identify learning opportunities to gain necessary knowledge and skills for cybersecurity work roles of interest to them
- Create or update a resume to position themselves for pursuing career opportunities in cybersecurity
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